Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Super hero??

I am a majestic person. Some may call me a super hero or a genius. But I am just an ordinary grade 12 girl. I am Tarryn Attrill. I am often found climbing up the sides of buildings or swimming in shark invested water. Wednesdays after school I can be found having an epic sword fight with Angelica Dias while riding giraffes through the Amazon.

I am the master of everything, I can text over 500 words per minute, I can teach cats to play the piano. Although I am the master of everything I have still yet to complete a blog assignment for English.

Just the other week I saved an entire village using only dental floss and a toothbrush. I have been in many films such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Kick-Ass, and The Incredible Hulk.
I can be in 2 places at once!!

By the age of 13 I was able to kidnap Fluffy (hagrids 3-headed dog), Fly a plane and was able to recite any of Shakespeare's plays by heart.

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