Friday, November 5, 2010

Me, Myself and......George?

There we were, sitting in a dark room. The only thing I could see was an old man sitting on a chair in the middle of an empty room. I looked around trying to figure out where I was, I could see light, the light was coming from a single burning candle, some how that candle produced enough light to make this mans face glow. I could see every detail on that mans face. His eyes were like endless tunnels pulling me in closer and closer, as he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth he began speaking to me, his voice was unlike any other, it was smooth and gentle. The wrinkles on his face were like rippling tides against the shore line at the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Two of three assignments complete. A couple of very nice similes in the descriptive paragraph. More detail would help. Try creating parallel structure in other ways besides beginning with "I am.." 19/36
