Friday, October 15, 2010

Hii hunny, Im home.

Harry walked through the door at his house, he put his briefcase down on the table and walked up stairs. He put on his pyjamas and grabbed the paper and lied down on the bed beside his wife Rose.
"How was work today?" asked Rose
Harry murmured"Oh just fine."
After a long silence, tension grew and things started to get heated. Once again they were fighting
Rose commented "Honey, you never listen to me!"
"I'm sorry hun," replied harry out of no where,"your just not interesting enough."
"You thought I was pretty interesting when we first got married." stated Rose
"That was also like 28 years ago."
Right then and there Rose grabbed her all of her stuff and piled it into the car
"Rose don't leave." yelled Harry as he ran after her.
"Why not Harry?" yelled back Rose
Harry didn't know what to say, he just stood there in the door way looking at her as she stood beside the car waiting for him to say something that would make her stay.
"See Harry you don't care, you never did!"
She got in the car. Right then and there Harry dropped to his knees and his heart sank. He lost her.
As she drove away Harry yelled "I love you Rose"
But she was gone, long gone.

1 comment:

  1. Three of four assignments complete. Dialogue is well done - detailed and quite polished. Opportunity for much more content in the other two. 26/48
