Thursday, September 23, 2010

Puppy Love

As George walked into the barn to put his horse Rainbow back in her stable Curley's wife walked in. They made eye contact. George suddenly felt speechless and started to get so nervous that he started sweating bullets. Curley wife looked at George and saw what no woman has seen before, he had love in his eyes and lust in his hair. They were so young and in love that they didn't care if anyone saw.

They knew they couldn't be together due to the fact that she was married but in the end love conquers all.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bang, boom, straight to the moon.

Have you ever needed something but it's just to far away? That is why telekinesis is my kind of super power. I mean it's perfect for all the lazy kids out there. Having the power to move things with your mind would be stupendous. Think about, your gaming out on your computer when all of a sudden you get really hungry, you could move food out of the kitchen and bring it to you so you wouldn't even have to get up. You could even do your homework with out even picking up a pen or pencil. If I had telekinesis I would move Princess Margret to Hawaii and send all irritating class mates to the moon where i would never have to see them again. In Mr. Van Camps class I would use this power to text without him knowing BAHAHAHAH. This is why I chose this power and why I think this power would be stupendous